UNDP project (2014-2015) : “ Provision of Professional Services for the assessment of energy consumption and mitigation initiatives in the commercial and institutional sectors” . JV with the environmental consulting compny ELARD.
This consultancy aimed at providing services for the assessment of energy consumption and mitigation initiatives in the commercial and institutional sectors. This information will enable the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from both sectors that will be reported in Lebanon’s next inventory submission to the UNFCCC. The scope of work covers the following three main components that are detailed in the following section:
- Assessment of energy consumption from the commercial and institutional sectors in Lebanon for the period 2005 – 2012 and identification and characterization of all private mitigation initiatives undertaken to reduce emissions, through a nation-wide survey based on a statistically representative sample;
- Analysis of the survey results, trend assessment and extrapolation of the sample data to characterize energy consumption on a national scale; and
- Recommendations for an appropriate and tailored “Measurement, Reporting and Verification” (MRV) system to institutionalize both sectors’ reporting to the Ministry of Environment, including a plan for QA/QC and uncertainty assessment.